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"S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"
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michel2 3951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

04-14-22, 04:25 PM (EST)
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"S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"

Do you remember the days when the very first spoiler we'd get of a new season was its location? The expert Spoiler for that category aptly named his site SurvivorMaps and before a season ended, he'd have put maps of where to expect the next season. He correctly nailed most seasons for the first 10 years of the show except of course for the late change from Jordan to Marquesas after 9/11.

We don't have that joy anymore; Jiffy made a deal with the Fiji Tourist Agency: He gets a free beach side manor while we get to spend all our time in Fiji. OK, it's not the worst place in the world but it's starting to smell bad. Survivors aren't the cleanest people. Remember Kimmi!

This season would be Survivor Fiji #11 so you can understand why it's actually «Survivor No Name». I don't know about you but I find that No Name products are usually cheaper and much less tasty than Branded products. We can't say that this season is cheap in twists but it's certainly cheap in original ideas, cultural references and endearing characters.

Of course an exception to the No Name means Poor Quality rule is the Western «My Name is Nobody» a classic Spaghetti Western if there ever was one. The morale of that movie could be stated as follows: «The people who put you in deep sh*t don't always do it to hurt you and those who take you out of it aren't necessarily thinking of your good fortune. Mainly, when you are in a bad situation; Shut up.»

That lesson would have come handy in the latest Survivor episode.

I think this week's episode was titled: «Sympathy for the Devil»

It started with a recrap because there are so many advantages in play we need a scorecard just to keep track. So I'll hop on a little stand like they have at each ballpark and start selling: «Program, get your program here!»
I accept «Pay Pal» Interact payment and bitcoins.

So, here's today's scorecard:

- Hey! Gang, Dre and Linze share the 3-way Amulet extra vote-idol wannabe

-Old Mike, Dre and Merryanne all have the Beware Advantage Idol

- Dre and Merryanne each have an Extra vote

While poor Omer has No vote at next TC

And, in last week's TC, when it came time to vote, Vati decided that Chanel N°5 was smelling better than Daniel Skunk. It's rare that a vote is decided by smell but that's the new Survivor.

No need to applaud, it's my pleasure to remind people who have short memory.

Scene 1: B*tch

While Chanel N°5 is happy to have won the battle against Skunk, Old Mike wants to know why he got her vote. N°5 tried to explain that she feared a desperation play by Skunk or that he had teamed up with Old Mike but Old Mike still doesn't want to let it go. Hey! tried to rally the gang but their unifying hug was just for show.

Scene 2: Can't Get No (Satisfaction)

Ikea Day 12:

Rocksbrain is annoyed and the source of his irritation is a girl named Turmoil. She is always up his butt, asking him questions about his journey and his potential advantage. He doesn't trust her, she doesn't trust him. The perfect Survivor couple really but I don't think we'll see sparks. Overhearing this, Dre and Dobby agree that Turmoil is irritating and she has to go.

Well, it's season 42 so everyone knows that this whole set-up is only to fool the newbies and that Turmoil will survive the episode.

«You can't always get what you want»

It's already time for the Challenge but first... (wait are we watching Big Brother? No that is indeed Jiffy not that Chen woman)

...while the tribes are walking in, Probe breaks the 4th wall and talks to the audience as if we were in a secret alliance with him.

«Last season blah, blah blah, this season blah blah blah.»
It's a twist on the «Erika changes the game twist».

The announcement that Skunk was out of the game received very little reaction.

They reacted much more when, using his tired old formula, Probe orders them to drop their trousers... sorry I mean drop their buffs
(now that would have been a fun new twist!)

They are at the individual part of the game but there isn't a merge. Instead they will compete in teams for immunity and reward. The winners will earn the new buffs because they will have made the merger and they will get the reward. That gives Probe a chance to show us the audition tape he turned in when he wanted to become spokesperson for Applebee's. He didn't get the job but the chain will still honor their deal and pay lunch for the winners.
They didn't have to pay much for a national commercial in prime time (if Survivor is still considered as a prime time show and not filler by now)

The losers will have to compete in another challenge to get individual immunity and then face the vote.

Probe added the next twist: 2 will draw grey rocks and not compete in the challenge. Their faith will be decided by the winning team.

They pick rocks and every viewer suddenly gets a new super-power: We can read minds! The players are ALL thinking «What color rock does Goliath have and do I have the same one?»

Well Goliath picked Orange and so the Phillistines are Merryanne, Lydi, Hey! Gang and Turmoil.

Singing The Stray Cat Blues we have Old Mike, Chanel N°5, Dobby, Dre and Omer.

This leaves Linze and Rocksbrain with No Expectations

Now, for the challenge the teams have to take a big «Rolling Stone» (are you starting to see where I got the theme of this recrap?) from one end of a sand box to the other, collecting keys along the way and...wait, you won't believe how this challenge ends: Two players will have to complete a Survivor Logo puzzle. Wow! We've never seen anything like that before.
Remember when Survivor challenges were about Survival skills? If you do then you're old.

Here's another surprise for you: The Phillistines, with Goliath leading the way, won and we could tell that our host was getting a hard-on watching the exploits of his new Beast of Burden.

It was time to decide the faith or rather the short term future of Linze and Rocksbrain. The two are left Waiting on a Friend. So Orange, who is now Purple, huddled to make their decision. Turmoil seems to be leading the discussion; that can't be good for Rocksbrain, can it? Of course not. Linze who Ain't too proud to beg has a date at the Applebee's while Rocksbrain who has to go Back to Zero will be spending two days in Exile (but not exactly) on Main Street. He sees the idea of being able to change the game as Emotional Rescue

Good Times, Bad Times

Yes, the 6 were indeed happy (one even kissing her burger!). They didn't much care about Rocksbrain power. Goliath told us he thought of switching places but he needs food being used to eating 18 eggs just for breakfast.
Can you imagine how inflation is hurting him? He'll need the million just for this month's groceries.

Turmoil spilled the beans about her problems in Ikea and with Rockbrain in particular. She let it be known that she was ready to shop elsewhere than Ikea, making her a free agent.

Beggars' Banquet

Chanel N°5 and Dobby told us that they were starving but grateful for the little bag of rice. The lack of immunity bothered Chanel N°5 more than the food because she didn't come on Survivor to eat.
Well, who does? Ok Katie Gallagher actually gained weight in Palau but that's another story!

Showing that she is indeed a smart cookie, Dre guessed that Rocksbrain would have the power to say that the happy people don't have immunity but that this group has it instead. That got the group excited.

Left alone at the fire, Dre talked to Old Mike about his idol. They agreed to work together, Dre saying that Dobby and Rocksbrain are in her alliance. Old Mike said he had Hey! Gang and Lydi. They warned each other about Turmoil and Chanel N°5.

Start me Up

Alone in Exile, Rocksbrain contemplated his meager supplies: A pot, a machette and a small container of rice. He needed fire but for a long time, he couldn't start it up.

He noticed the hammer and the hourglass but it had no instructions so he brought it to his camp and moved on to the next basic need: Gimme Shelter

With that done, he decided to explore Fiji: He went up the same hill that Earl had climbed during episode 1 of the original Fiji. Not only that but he received the same airplane camera shot that pretty much told everyone watching that Earl would win Fiji. So, the question is: Will Rocksbrain be the next «King of Fiji»?

Worried about You

Day 12 marked the reunion of the 11 people that weren't exiled. Omer remarked that there could have been 3 groups of 4 but it wasn't the case at all. He felt alone but was ready to be like a shark and jump out of the ocean to eat some of these people when the time is right.

Linze wanted to reconnect with Hey! and Dre and see what they wanted to do with their amulets.

Merryanne was happy of course because she had power and allies who were exposing their plans to her.

An alliance of big guys between Goliath and Old Mike soon developed into an alliance of Big Dummies. Old Mike was hoping the Big Dummies could go to the end for once.

Day 13
It was time to hunt for crabs which gave Goliath another chance to shine. Hey! and Lydi were raving about him, saying he was saving them from starvation.

Hey! and Dobby connected as members of the LGBT community. (aren't there more letters now?) He said that it's impossible to hide on Survivor (well, have you tried building a spyshack?!) so he wondered how part of his family who didn't know about him would react.

You work in beauty pageants and you have a distinct way of dressing so I think most people know already. It's not rare that a Survivor is the last to know.

Omer only found out about losing his vote by talking to Hey! who knew Chanel N°5 had lost hers so, by consequence, Omer didn't have a vote either. That told Omer not to trust Chanel N°5.

You don't have to mean it

Day 13 was time for more pairings:
Old Mike bonded with Omer because of his virgin story.
Merryanne bonded with Lydi over their old granma names.
More imprtantly, Hey! and Goliath bonded over other people they liked: Hey! named him and Linze as people he liked. Goliath and Hey! both liked Omer and Old Mike. Hey! said: «I feel good about Dre and Lydi is Under my Thumb». That really excited Goliath.

Hey! wanted to establish agency: Put his numbers in order and get a clear path to the end. He added Rocksbrain the their group and felt he was driving the car.

Next they established a hierarchy: Chanel N°5, Turmoil and Merryanne should be the next to go.

Cornered by Chanel N°5 who was trying to find her place (too bad there isn't a Chanel N°4 and a Chanel N°6 in the game because that would make it easy to find the right place.) Lydi said she tried to play dumb.

I got news for you lydi: You weren't only playing dumb you were actually Dumb. You don't say that you weren't talking about alliances because everyone talks about alliances. Would have been much better to say that you were trying to figure who was already in an alliance.

Proof that Lidy was dumb, Chanel N°5 saw right through her act.

When Omer said he didn't have a vote, Dre reaffirmed their alliance by saying she had an extra vote. That made Omer very Happy They agreed: It would either be Turmoil or Chanel N°5 to Get off of (their) Cloud. When Chanel N°5 approached their group again Hey! faked a gesture of welcome and he told her that the other three really liked her.
Yes, they were so enamored with Chanel N°5 that all they could say was yeah! and then they were off to go fishing. It was as if Chanel N°5 smelled like sewage.

A Rock and a Hard Place

Jiffy came to visit Rocksbrain's beach and he was impressed by his shelter. The rel reason he came was to explain how Rocksroy could either keep the story the same or how he could go back in time and reverse the game. Rocksbrain played the game, acting as if it was a hard decision.

We would have to wait for it.

Arriving at the challenge arena, Rocksbrain explained his decision; telling everyone he had smashed the hourglass...
Just like EVERYONE would do
...but Turmoil had a hard time understanding why he was doing that to her after she had given him such a nice gift.

Throwing oil on the fire, Jiffy enjoyed telling the 6 that one of them was about to miss the jury.

Tumbling Dice

Players would be pulling on a rope while balancing a wobbly table and stacking letter blocks. If at any time the stack tumbles over, they have to start over. The first to spell IMMUNITY would earn Immunity.

In turn Hey!, Goliath and Linze had 2 blocks or less to go but saw their stack tumble to the ground opening the door for slow and steady Turmoil to win immunity.

When the Whip Comes Down

Editors have often chosen this spot in the show to do a bit of spoiling. It's not a steadfast rule but the person giving a confessional just before the commercial, is often the one that gets snuffed. It's especially true when the immunity challenge just messed up carefully prepared plans

As soon as they came back to camp, Goliath invited Rocksbrain to go spearfishing. He then told him about the group of 8.

Meanwhile Dobby and Turmoil were putting the target on Goliath who could go on an immunity run. Dobby was now power hungry and he wanted Goliath gone.

Dobby tried to get traction for his plan so he went to people who, unbeknownst to him, were Goliath's allies, namely Dre and Hey!

By the way, this Dre couldn't be more different than Fiji's original Dre as far as being level-headed and effective in her decisions

Some Girls were also targeting Goliath, namely Lidy and Chanel N°5 but they approached Linze, a member of the 8 who deflected the target by pointing to Goliath's ineptitude with puzzles. Linze pointed the finger at Merryanne.

Knowing that he was safe and didn't have a vote, Omer's first idea was to shut up because he had nothing to gain but, instead, he turned into a Street Fighting Man and as soon as Lydi revealed that she might not stick with the 8, Omer pounced, trying to bring Orange back together to be able to use Maryanne's advantages. For that he had to tell Merryine that the target was on her.

That led to Merryanne's 19th Nervous Breakdown

Omer realized that Lidy was Hey!'s number one ally so it wasn't going to be easy. He told Hey! that Lydi was gunning for someone in the 8 already so she had to go.

Hey! didn't like that option at all. He was going to scramble to get her to stay. He had a nice quote just before leaving for TC: At moments like these, good players fold and great players prevail.

This confrontation was clearly Omer vs Hey! so which one was going to be revealed as the great player? The vote is coming up!

Tribal Council or where the tribe shouts: «Hey You Get off of my Cloud!»

Right off the bat, Hey! and Omer told Jiffy that there was a lot of strategy going around. Lies would be revealed.
No advantages were played.

- Rocksbrain Voted for Linze
- Chanel N°5 and Turmoil Voted for Goliath
- Dobby and Lidy Voted for Merryanne
- Hey!, Goliath, Linze, Dre, Merryanne and Old Mike Voted for Lydi

Lydia was voted out because she couldn't let well enough alone and she didn't shut up. She had to try to turn the vote against Goliath and that backfired.

Next time on Survivor: They are all gunning for Romeo, no they are after Tori, no it's...

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 RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summ... Aruba 04-14-22 1
   RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summ... michel2 04-14-22 2
       RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summ... Aruba 04-15-22 3
           RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summ... michel2 04-15-22 4
               RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summ... Aruba 04-16-22 5
                   RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summ... michel2 04-16-22 6
                       RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summ... Aruba 04-17-22 7
                           RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summ... michel2 04-17-22 8
                               RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summ... Aruba 04-19-22 9
                                   RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summ... michel2 04-20-22 10
                                       RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summ... Aruba 04-20-22 11

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Aruba 3270 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-14-22, 08:20 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"
LAST EDITED ON 04-14-22 AT 08:45 PM (EST)

In anticipation for our weekly point/counterpoint Survivor banter session, I figured I would do some shadowboxing, hitting the mitts, maybe some jump rope to work up a little sweat. And what do you do? You post a kick-ass Episode Six summary with a ROLLING STONES theme. The “Stones” is my second favorite band of all-time (right behind the Beatles.) I can’t bring myself to even spar with a fellow Stones fan. So, I will reply to your outstanding contribution as one Rolling Stone fan to another...

First and foremost, THANK YOU for providing a comprehensive rundown/scorecard on ALL the advantages that’s been quite <Complicated> to keep track of.

<Sweethearts Together>
The underlying theme I got from this episode was the development of various one-on-one relationships following the “not exactly” merge.

Jonathan and Mike had a he-man male-bonding session as each lamented how they both had <Grown Up Wrong> because they were so much bigger than other kids their age. I can’t even begin to imagine the trauma of being picked first in gym class, schoolgirls crushing on you, and running out of room on your varsity jacket to display all your letters. POOR BABIES!!

Hai and Romeo had an omega-man male-bonding session as members of the same community LGBTQ+...XYZ...ABC...that alphabet soup acronym that includes just about every human on earth other than straight men and straight women. Romeo is not as comfortable eating out of that bowl of alphabet soup as Hai and begins to break down. Hai tells Romeo it’s OK to <Cry To Me.> And why wouldn’t it be OK given the fact Hai carried on less than a week into the game over having nothing but rice to eat.

Mike it really digging these one-on-ones. Next on his list is Omar. They established enough of a quick comfort level for Omar to start discussing his <Sex Drive> with Mike. Mike immediately picks up that Omar is a virgin. He commends Omar on his virginity. Be careful don’t want Omar getting too comfortable otherwise he’ll start sharing his bathroom habits with you...

Not all the one-on-ones fit in with this <Sweethearts Together> theme.

<She’s So Cold> was Tori’s relentless pestering of Rocksroy over his prior Summit Challenge. When Drea stated, “It’s never calm with Tori,” I went back to the Meet the Cast profiles to see if I misread Tori’s profession of “Therapist.” Aren’t therapists suppose to have a calming influence with their patients? Maybe she’s a PHYSICAL Therapist. I say that because I once had a physical therapist who was a cross between Bill Parcells and Bobby Knight. That would make a whole lot more sense.

Production couldn’t secure a corporate sponsorship with <Ruby Tuesday> so a deal was struck with Applebee’s. And boy oh boy, when Applebee’s was announced to the players as a reward for the challenge winners it was like Maryanne on steroids TIMES twelve! Quite frankly it was so over the top nauseating, I wish I had an hourglass to smash so I could have gone back in time and fast-forwarded through that obnoxious embellishment.

Before the Applebee’s feast, a challenge had to be run. Want another example of how the game can turn on a dime? It wasn’t long ago Drea self-proclaimed herself “Survivor Rich.” Last night she was reduced to IC Survivor goat with a <Sad, Sad, Sad> performance. How sad was her performance? Opposing competitors Lydia and Maryanne could have hand cut and painted each one of the 70+ puzzle pieces and STILL had enough time to finish the <Jig-Saw Puzzle.>

<The Worst>
Still trying to decide which was worse during the Applebee’s feast—Tori darn near slipping tongue to her burger or hearing Jonathan inform us he goes through 18 eggs EVERY morning. I can’t imagine cooking and preparing 18 eggs each morning; maybe he downs them like Rocky Balboa. Obviously it helps with his muscle mass, but the dude’s cholesterol must be 350!

<Gimme Shelter>
As a result of the “not exactly” merge, Rocksroy was the odd man out and was sent to Exile Island where he would have an opportunity to “change the course of the game.” Even someone like myself who did not watch last season knew the nonsensical buildup would be anticlimactic. We were treated to Rocksroy bossing himself around while building his shelter. When Jiffy visited to explain the hourglass twist, he was SO impressed I thought Jeff might suggest <Let’s Spend the Night Together.>

Obviously, Rocksroy smashes the hourglass reversing the outcome of the IC, so the team that “won” actually lost and are vulnerable at the upcoming TC. A mad scramble ensues. Maryanne’s name comes up. Lydia, who was sitting pretty enough to take the inept Survivor sleighride to the endgame, becomes a <Stupid Girl> and drops Jonathan’s name to Omar hoping the set the ADS wheel in motion. Omar used that dastardly gameplay to place the target on Lydia. Omar emerges as the pre-Tribal Council star of the evening convincing enough players to boot Lydia—even Hai who was willing to draw rocks for Lydia’s safety and Mike who proclaimed earlier in the episode he would “take a bullet” for Lydia.

This does not sit well with Jiffy because there can only be one star of Survivor and that would be Jeff, himself. At TC he gives the castaways a reminder of who the star really is by sharing a personal <You Gotta Move> story from his childhood when he was forced to move from Wichita to Seattle that no one really gives a crap about. When will Probst learn it's not <All About You.>

Oh, BTW, Lydia gets the boot and is the seventh player voted out of Survivor 42.

Are there any more Rolling Stone tunes left...?

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michel2 3951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

04-14-22, 10:37 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"
LAST EDITED ON 04-14-22 AT 10:43 PM (EST)

Thank you for the kind words. Glad to hear you're a Stones and Beatles fan. I'm more of a 70s Pro rock fan (Peter Gabriel's Genesis, Gentle Giant, ELP, Yes) but my admiration for the two original British Invaders is limitless.

I like your {Sweethearts Together} theme because, yes, this episode featured much more one on ones scenes of bonding than usual. Some of these players have a good way of approaching the game: Make friends with everyone. Then we seem to have a couple who even know that they'll have to vote out their new «best» friends.

At least Tori is cuter to look at than Parcells and Knight.

I'll have to object to your comment about Drea being the IC goat: The Orange tribe was already well ahead of their rivals before Drea was left behind and couldn't climb the big ball. Not only that but it was blue's strategy to leave her for last. Had they realized earlier the difficulty of the climb then they could have started with Romeo going last instead of having him going back down to help. Orange beat them not only in strenght but also in strategy because they let Omar come up last.

I like your Jiffy bashing both about spending the night with Rocksroy and his TC intervention. Why does he always feel the need to be THE Star?

You ask if there are any more Stones song left? We left out some of their best like Jumpin Jack Flash, Honky Tonk Women, Brown Sugar, Wild Horses and my favorite of the less known ones: Can you hear me Knockin'?

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Aruba 3270 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-15-22, 06:23 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"
I’m basically a “British Invasion” fan. Beatles and Stones are my favorites, but the Who and Kinks are not far behind.

Even though MVPs are crowned and “goats” are designated, it’s true, you “win as a team” or you “lose as a team.” In hindsight Blue should have never let Drea go up last, but as we all know, “hindsight is 20/20,” and there was no way of knowing Drea would run out of gas based on the previous challenges she competed in.

We’ve seen some amazing come-from-behind victories on Survivor. Orange’s lead was not SO insurmountable; had Drea been able to get up the ball like the other competitors they would have had a fighting chance. It’s not like Lydia and Maryanne were “killing it” on the puzzle. But as a result of Drea’s disastrous effort, Stevie Wonder and Terri Gibbs could have been working the puzzle and still brought home victory.

The Parcells and Knight reference wasn’t about appearance/looks; it was about their toughness/mean-spirited behavior. Yes, Tori is cuter to look at (when her eyes aren’t rolled to the back of her head.) Although I would much rather look at Lindsay’s athletic body over Tori (granted the pickings this season are rather slim.) Or as Rocksroy wrote...”Linzie”??? I can’t recall the exact letters, but geez Louise. I realize the name can be spelt different ways, but how the heck did he come up with THAT one??? I sure hope the “stay-at-home-dad” isn’t home-schooling his kids!

When I asked, “Are there any more Stones tunes left…” the “…” meant that were applicable for episode six. My favorite Rolling Stones song is Paint it Black. I was toying with the idea of incorporating “Brown Sugar” and “Paint it Black” in my post, but given the current political climate I decided to leave well enough alone...

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michel2 3951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

04-15-22, 07:01 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"
I certainly agreewith you about the Who and the Kinks.

I'd rather say that Jonathan won the challenge rather than blame Drea. A Survivor logo puzzle is straightforward to put together.

I got what you meant about Parcells and Knight.

I got the idea of calling her «Linze» because of how Rocksroy spelled it on his parchment.

Paint it black is great, Ruby Tuesday is another that I didn't fit. They have quite the extensive catalogue and I used mostly the 6 cds I have of them. It was a bit easier than the summary I wrote way back when with David Bowie songs which I titled «I'm afraid of Mericans» for the episode where Mike named to merged tribe «Merica».

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Aruba 3270 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-16-22, 07:12 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"
Yes, Jonathan’s challenge prowess (we’ve all gotten used to this season) proved to be <Too Tough> and was without a doubt the primary reason for Orange’s initial lead. Speaking of challenges, I omitted the first individual IC of the season in my reply summary even though you appropriately gave it mention under <Tumbling Dice.>

I’d be remiss not to pay homage to Tori’s clutch win with the song <Hold Back> from the Dirty Works album. Obviously commending her ability to “hold back” the rope better than the other competitors keeping her IMMUNITY letter blocks from tumbling down. It did not appear that easy to do, but it had to be especially hard for Tori knowing she was an obvious target at the upcoming TC.

Her clutch win earned her a seat on the Jury. Yes, I’m being presumptuous delegating her to the Jury. Whereas, personal relationships were forged during this double episode, two clearcut losers emerged out of this “not exactly” merge—Tori and Chanelle. Both were bestowed the Survivor “Scarlett Letter.” In Hawthorn’s classic novel it’s the letter “A;” in Survivor it’s the letter “U” for Untrustworthy. In this game once you have that label it becomes a very difficult tag to remove. It’s inevitable both will run <Out of Time> this season, and when Jeff eventually snuffs their torches, I doubt anyone will be saying <Miss You> with any meaningful intention.

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michel2 3951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

04-16-22, 01:04 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"
I wouldn't say that Tori and Chanelle are doomed; one of them will certainly survive next week at least, that's a given. After that, targets can fluctuate and maybe a group will need a free agent.

Let's first see how Hai and Mike react to Omar's powerplay. Mike would be easily assuaged but Hai may be seeking revenge.

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Aruba 3270 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-17-22, 07:08 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"
Not sure what your definition of “doom” is, but I do not see either getting a sniff of even the F6 never mind a shot at FTC.
Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if both head to the Ponderosa within the next three TCs.

I also do not see Hai becoming vengeful toward Omar. He appears to have a good enough Survivor IQ to acknowledge the HUGE benefit Omar had to not be at risk for the upcoming TC (thanks to Rocksroy’s hourglass and Fred Flintstone hammer) allowing Omar to stir the pot to spare Maryanne her Survivor life without fear of a boomerang target coming back toward him. Something we saw happen to the Michelin Tire Girl when she tried to set the ADS plan in motion toward Jonathan.

Another point to note...the only eligible castaway to vote for at TC who did NOT receive a vote was, in fact, Hai. A fact that should not go unnoticed by Hai, so I do not see him bringing any unwanted attention to himself.

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michel2 3951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

04-17-22, 08:55 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"
What did I mean when I said that Chanelle and Torim weren't both doomed? I belieeve one of them will get back on the right side of the numbers and certainly last for more than 3 TCs. Which one? Not sure Tori only has Rocksroy (a relative nobody when it comes to strategy) as her main antagonist while Chanelle has both Ha and Omar. the two power players.

I saw how Hai reacted to the TC when Jenny left so I'm not sure he'll remain level-headed when it comes to Omar. He told everyone how important Lidya was to him yet Omar arranged to sent her home. Hai knows that.

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Aruba 3270 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-19-22, 04:10 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"
Could Chanelle/Tori advance further in the game than I anticipate? Sure, depending on the twists, idols, advantages, immunity, etc., etc. Case in point, if not for the hourglass twist last week, Chanelle is as good as gone. Had Tori not pulled out her clutch IC win, her pretty little tush is boarding a plane back to the USA.

As for either of them being able to position themselves on the “right side of the numbers,” I’m not seeing it nor am I feeling it. Whereas Tori would be an absolute DREAM to sit next to at FTC, I can’t imagine a majority of the other ten wanting to deal with her drama and eagerness to flip on a dime for the next SEVEN TCs despite being an appetizing goat.

I could see Hai bummed that the smashed hourglass made him one of the five at risk at the next TC preventing him from taking as much charge as he would have liked. If Hai (or Jonathan, Lindsay, Maryanne, and Tori) lose their “level-headedness” a little coming back from TC, their animosity may be more toward Rocksroy for changing the course of the game rather than at Omar would made the most of the gifted opportunity handed to him.

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michel2 3951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

04-20-22, 05:13 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"
We'll have to wait and see. Hopefully, tonight's episode could give us some answers.
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Aruba 3270 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-20-22, 06:11 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: S42 E6: Official Survivor Summary: Sympathy for the Devil"
Yep; agreed.
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