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"ReCRAP of nameless S42; Ep.4"
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Aruba 3256 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-24-22, 06:29 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"ReCRAP of nameless S42; Ep.4"
LAST EDITED ON 03-24-22 AT 06:30 PM (EST)

Thanks to another unanimous TC vote, the episode opens up to a relatively drama-free Taku camp. To kickstart the entertainment value, Maryanne (who already in Ep. 3 is the runaway winner this season for open-mouth gasps) “trips over” aka “finds” an advantage. True to form, she blabbermouths her “find” to Taku.

Maryanne tells us she’s watched every Survivor season except for six episodes. Apparently one of the six she missed was during S35 HvHvH when Champion and Army veteran Ben Drieberger, upon finding his idols, placed his finger over his lips and appropriately went SHHHHHHHH! Why was that appropriate? Did I mention he’s a Survivor CHAMPION?!

Maryanne’s expression changes from Edvard Munch’s Scream to DaVinci’s more stone-faced Mona Lisa when she realizes castaways on the two other tribes must also find the advantage AND she must publicly recite some silly phrase about a “rabbit eating in a mailbox...?” (I refuse to go back and reread that nonsense, so not sure about the EXACT wording.)

What I’m also not sure about is why Maryanne is distraught. For someone who annoyingly babbles aimlessly, reciting such a nonsensical phrase is a task right in her wheelhouse.

The recurring question during this episode...Where’s the Ika tribe?

At Vati, sissy-boy Hai, who cried like a little girl during the last episode over no rice, has the audacity to recite a verbal checklist of Daniel’s annoyances. We hear of a tribal divide between Chanelle, Hai, Lydia and Daniel vs. the over-40s Jenny and Mike. Don’t tell ME age isn’t the greatest divide in Reality TV! Daniel, the 30-year-old wedge between the 20-some year-olds and the over-40 couple, is trying to burn the candle at both ends.

Has the Ika tribe been located yet?

Still at Vati, Daniel pesters Mike for the “fine print” of his not-so-secretive advantage. Mike reluctantly agrees, but it results in Daniel almost losing the idol. This is PRECISELY why S35 Champion Ben whispered SHHHHHHHH!

I guess we needed to wait until the CHALLENGE to see Ika. We didn’t have to wait too long; only 10-15 minutes into the episode, Jeff is calling the three tribes in. For the challenge to start this early we don’t need spoilers to figure this group of casting debacles took forever in the challenge and/or we’re in for a time-consuming TC.

Right on cue, Maryanne asks Jeff if he’s heard the story about the rabbit eating in a mailbox...blah...blah...blah...activating her part of the advantage. Jeff answers, No.”

Keeping with story time, I have a question for Jeff:
“Have you heard the story about the pathetically inept player being able to sadly punch their ticket to the endgame and even possibly snatching $1 million by backing into a “win” by default?”

JEFF: Yes, the title of the story is Survivor. I’ve known that story for over 20 years. *snort*

It’s a story that could bode well for Lydia, Maryanne...actually a host of castaways this season.

On the subject of pathetically inept, THREE players need to occupy the Sandra Sit-Out Bench. In only the third episode we have all REPEAT sitters with Lydia, Romeo and Daniel. Lydia even stated she’s happy she’s not in this challenge. Wanna know what I’m happy about? Lydia’s pants are not as short and tight as last episode’s challenge. If they were as “form-fitting” she’d be picking “Sandra Sit-Out Bench” splinters from her cellulite while walking back to camp after the challenge. EWWWWWWW!!!!!!

Enough about the lame spectators, let’s go to the Challenge players who need to return a ladder from the ocean they must use to climb and get five beanbags to toss up on individual perches.

The ocean was very choppy. With the exception of Jonathan, all the other petunias in the water were reacting to the waves as if it was the 2004 Tsunami that devastated the ENTIRE country of Sri Lanka.

Not only did Jonathan successfully get the ladder out of the ocean, but he also proceeds to CARRY his team, both figuratively AND literally, out from the ocean waves. To show he’s not just about strength and brawn, he also exhibits the perfect touch and tosses all five beanbags on their perches. Now THAT’S how you do it on Survivor! Taku/Jonathan wins the challenge and is safe from TC.

If there’s ever a player worthy of being named Challenge MVP, it was Jonathan; unfortunately, it also makes him ripe to be victimized by the Anti-Darwin Syndrome.

Despite the runaway victory, we still have a Challenge to finish to determine which tribe will go to TC. With Jonathan no longer competing, the remaining pansies are getting consumed by the ocean waves. The “Survivor first” Jeff referenced in last week’s preview was his David Hasselhoff imitation (minus the Baywatch Babes/plastic boobies) stopping the Challenge to rescue the casting embarrassments out of the water.

The Challenge resumed at the beanbag toss station. Rocksroy landed his first few successful attempts. Vati took the democratic approach allowing everyone to try. Whereas, democracy is a popular form of government, for a Survivor Challenge it takes more time. It proved costly for Vati losing the Challenge resulting in its first trip to TC.

Taku needs to select someone to go off on a “journey.” They pick Vati’s Chanelle. Taku’s Omar is selected as well sending the Ika tribe further into Ep. 3 obscurity.

Chanelle and Omar’s journey culminates in yet ANOTHER potential game advantage. Consequently, it ends up resulting in BOTH losing their votes at the next TC. For Chanelle it’s the upcoming TC that evening.

Back at loser Vati’s camp, a lively scramble ensues whether to vote out older woman Jenny or Michelin Tire Girl Lydia. Fear of a possible idol play, they decide to split their votes between Jenny/Lydia, and Chanelle will be the deciding vote (unbeknown that Chanelle lost her vote.) It now becomes blatantly clear why so much remaining episode time has been allocated for TC.

Vati marches into TRIBAL COUNCIL for the first time this season.
It started off relatively well with Lydia walking in wearing long pants. That pleasantry was short-lived when crybaby Hai decided to bring his rice deprivation grievance to a “higher authority” (Jeff.) Jeff doesn’t bat an eye. It would have been a vintage Survivor moment had Jeff replied, “If you’re still hungry, would you like some cheese to go with your WHINE?” Boo-Hoo!

The discussion turns to Chanelle and her post-challenge time away from Vati. Chanelle is an Executive Recruiter. I’ve never had good experience with Executive Recruiters. When I wanted to be place, I was assured of joining a top-notch “life-changing” organization. It wasn’t until I was sent to some snake pit, did I realize I was shoveled a dung of donkey’s dust...while the Recruiter cashed in on a hefty commission. When my organization needed a recruiter to place an executive for us, we were promised a Bill Gates/Mark Cuban/Oprah Winfrey all rolled into one. What we got was an ordinary warm body guessed it…cash in on a hefty commission.

Why bring it up? At TC Chanelle slings her own dung of donkey’s dust assuring her tribemates she “protected her vote.” Jeff asks Mike if he believes her. Mike gullibly answers, “Yes.” Hey live fairly close where I live. Wanna stop over for a Poker game some time? LOL.

It’s apparent it will come down between Jenny and Lydia. With both Mike and Chanelle unable to vote, the first vote is a 2-2 tie. After a revote, it is 1-1. Confusion over fewer votes is clarified when Mike and Chanelle have to reveal they have no vote. Yes, the same vote Chanelle claimed she “protected.” It’s all on Hai and Daniel to agree on either Jenny or Lydia otherwise the other four draw rocks.

Daniel commits a huge game blunder and immediately declares he will NOT draw rocks on Day 7. Even Sissies can be cunningly sharp. With Daniel showing his cards right from the start, Hai declares he will stay put with his Jenny vote.

Better yet, how about I invite BOTH Mike and Daniel over for weekly Friday night Poker. I should be able to parley those games into an early retirement.

This means everyone knows Daniel voted for Lydia and is snared in his trap trying to play both sides. His only recourse is to refer back to when Chanelle was tootin’ her own horn about not having a vote but still controlling the tribe vote by virtue of her great “social game,” and advising Daniel to vote Lydia as part of Vati’s vote-splitting scheme.

Well Ms. Executive does your “social game” look NOW?! Not that Daniel will be able to escape having to wipe massive amounts of egg off HIS face.

With Daniels’ jugular exposed, Hai turns up the heat and states he will even be willing to draw rocks instead of change his Jenny vote. Daniel is now engulfed in the flames from both ends of the candle he was trying to burn. To avoid drawing rocks, Jenny ultimately gets the Survivor-Shaft on only Day 7 and her torch is snuffed.

Got to give the wussy credit for taking advantage of Daniel’s blunder and showing some bravado by hanging tough and sticking to his guns; although his rite of passage into manhood will have to involve a bit more than targeting the oldest woman on the tribe.

Next Time on Survivor:
Mike has the final remark saying his tribe’s Kumbaya has turned into a Holy Crap-aya.

What a minute...stop the press...we may have our Ep. 4 title for this nameless season!

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 RE: ReCRAP of nameless S42; ... Aruba 03-24-22 1
 Hello There michel2 03-26-22 2
   RE: Hello There Aruba 03-26-22 3
       RE: Hello There michel2 03-27-22 4
           RE: Hello There Aruba 03-28-22 5
               RE: Hello There michel2 03-30-22 6
           Shakes Throwback and Throwdown RollDdice 03-30-22 7

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Aruba 3256 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-24-22, 06:33 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: ReCRAP of nameless S42; Ep.4"
I mistakenly typed "4" instead of "3" on the subject line.

Is there any way of editing the Subject/Title line??

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michel2 3911 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

03-26-22, 12:24 PM (EST)
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2. "Hello There"
Hello my old friend, it's been a while! I don,t spend much time o this board anymore, pretty much had my fill of studying Survivor so I just watch the episodes as they come along.

Nice recrap.

I see you're still on the Ben bandwagon, the guy that really backed into a win! Talk about default winner: Despite his secret idol he was T.O.A.S.T at F4 if not for production interference by introducing the no-vote at F4.

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Aruba 3256 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-26-22, 03:11 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: Hello There"
LAST EDITED ON 03-26-22 AT 03:22 PM (EST)

Hey Michel, how the heck are ya!!!

Glad you read the ReCrap...thanks for your remark.

The props I give Ben is primarily for keeping the idols/advantages he found under wraps. I honestly feel it played a huge part in his ultimate victory. As for his “bandwagon...” as much as I regard him as a fine champion, if I had to pick MY top Survivor Champions of all-time, he’s not even in the discussion.

I agree with your assessment that the F4 fire-building tiebreaker saved his hide, but he doesn’t even get that opportunity if he’s not up at the break of dawn finding idols (he appropriately kept secret) while the other castaways were more concerned with their “beauty sleep.” Yes, the opportunity of the F4 tiebreaker was a lifeline, but he still needed to step up to the plate and WIN that tiebreaker to proactively take advantage of that opportunity.

If that F4 tiebreaker was a “once and done” twist for only S35, I would understand how one’s antenna would go up and be thinking, “HMMMM, what’s up with that interference.” But since it’s a part of the game still being implemented today, I’m hesitant to regard it as an “interference” and leaning more toward believing it was probably an idea Production was kicking around for a while and decided to unveil for the first time for S35. No doubt Ben was the first to benefit from that innovative concept, but certainly not the last.

As much as I’ve always been more of an advocate of idols/advantages than you because I’ve put more of a premium on players proactive play, I have to admit with this past episode I may partially be coming around to your position that we have too many of them (before you get TOO excited, please note my emphasis on partially...LOL.)

Seriously, when just TWO players can hold the fate of a castaway boot in only the THIRD episode, it certainly suggests we have WAY too many twists floating around. Although I suppose as long as Jeff gets his “jollies” from each newly innovative twist, we can’t expect him to give up his “orgasms” anytime soon...

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michel2 3911 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

03-27-22, 10:49 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Hello There"
LAST EDITED ON 03-27-22 AT 10:50 PM (EST)

Imagine if Jenny hadn't saved her vote in episode 1 then THREE Players out of 6 wouild have been without a vote.

Survivor jumped the shark with Season 13 when their terrible idea of segregated tribes had to be saved by so many twists to see the alliance of White players fail. Honestly, since then, I've truly enjoyed only 1 season; Survivor China. Many have had their moments but I've always hated the accumulation of twists. This quite unique social experiment has become a game of chance much like most On-Line games.

I had the chance to write an editing blog on Rob Cesternino's website for many seasons so it kept me interested but I had to stop many years ago for lack of time (and lack of interest, I must add) Fencing with you has been one of the last reasons to simply keep watching.

I've always been much more skeptical than you. For example, you call the players who find idols «proactive» but I see them as lucky. I truly believe that MOST players spend about the same amount of time looking for those idols but the ones who fail are simply not shown. I also believe that the crews help the players they favor to find the idol. It wouldn't be hard, the crew just stops following the player when he starts getting cold and then point the camera towards the hiding spot when the player is getting warm.

The F4 twist was most certainly something that had been thought of before but it it wasn't used before S35 because THEY DIDN'T NEED TO USE IT. Production's favorite was going to be in the F3 without the twist. But seeing that Ben was on the outs, they finally decided to put in play and they got exactly what they wanted.

It's so easy to fix results. for example, take the F4 Fire challenge: Give one player dry kindling give the other slightly humid supllies. Who will win do you think? How would the viewer know it was fixed?

Thank you for reviving a Survivor Blows Tradition, the recrap. You did a fine job and, as a gift, I went digging and found the summary to my all-time favorite Survivor episode S2-E4 written by ShakestheClown

I would humbly ask that you let me write 1 recrap for old-times sake. I would like it to be the one for the April 13th episode.

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Aruba 3256 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-28-22, 05:43 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "RE: Hello There"
The hypothetical situation you proposed with a Jenny “lost vote” as well, certainly puts the idol/advantage overkill in perspective.

HMMM, interesting; this is the first time I can recall hearing any speculation of causing a “white player alliance” to fail in S13. Although what needs NO speculation whatsoever is in the very next season (S14) absolutely NOTHING was done to cause the black player alliance to fail.

If viewers/fans have favorite castaways each season, I would expect those in Production to be no different. As a matter of fact, during the Reunion Show for S28, Jeff introduced one of the producers who came up with the “Idol with Special Powers” used in that season and handed him the mic.

When he briefly shared how he came up with the idea, he also stated Production was HOPING Spencer (a castaway who led most popularity polls that season) would be the one to find this Special Power Idol. Despite Production’s wishes, coupled with your speculative claim of how easy it would be for them to help out players they favor, Spenser was NOT the one who found it.

While Spenser was pow-wowing in the ocean with the other social butterflies, Tony was proactively out looking for this “Idol with Special Powers.” His proactivity paid off and was rewarded with the find, even though it was made clear during the show on national TV who Production wanted to ultimately possess this idol.

So much for past history, as for the here and now, it would be GREAT for you to do a recrap for the April 13th episode!

RolldDice did a players’ assessment in this forum after Ep. 2. Kingfish posted he plans to contribute as well. I’ll create a separate thread in Bashers with episode dates and who would like to volunteer to initiate a post after that episode airs.

Looking forward to the banter!

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michel2 3911 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

03-30-22, 07:13 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "RE: Hello There"
After the mutiny Jonathan and Adam openly talked about the White alliance and then productiion threw one twist after another to favor Yul's side and then probably blackmailed Jonathan into accepting yul's offer tellinfg him no one in Hollywood would want to work with you, if they think you are racist.

If you remember S14 (and who really wants that?) the African Aerican alliance was NEVER mentioned. Earl's only alliance was edited as the one with Yau Man but that was false.

Production tries to get the idol in the hands of their favorite but they fail Rob got his in S22 but Hantz was beaten to the punch. Anyway, Spencer did have an idol at one point.

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RollDdice 5948 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-30-22, 08:22 PM (EST)
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7. "Shakes Throwback and Throwdown"
aruba is kicking ass here and it's a pleasure to see michel2 jumping in as well.
The only thing that worries me is a reference to ShakestheClown.

Everybody knows what happens when you write his name 3 times... RIGHT???

Great Episode 3 RECRAP

Bounce or Die by IceCat
"We have a blind date with Destiny and it looks like she's ordered the lobster." --The Shoveler, Mystery Men.

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