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"Survivor 38 Player Rankings Ep. 7"
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Aruba 3094 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-30-19, 07:11 AM (EST)
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"Survivor 38 Player Rankings Ep. 7"
I had high expectations for this episode with a win-back-into-the-game challenge and the season’s first individual IC...but MEH. We would need to have a stellar second half of the season for S38 to not rank among my bottom five of all-time. Can they really expect that when marching out to what they think will be another challenge and Jeff announcing to drop their buffs, seeing SIX challenge obstacles, knowing SIX players have been evicted, and not figuring it was some kind of win-back challenge? Absolute Bloomin’ Idiots! As for the chickens being in danger “in the wild,” they were protected by Production just as I surmised. POINT-ARUBA.

RICK – Solid effort to win his way back into the game. Well done! I was pulling for Aubry, but Rick was my second choice. For all the Conspiracy Theorists crying “Foul” over a castaway on a last-name basis with Jeff winning the challenge...if it was rigged, we’re talking SEVERAL other evictees inches away from the win all who were willing to graciously lay on the sword because that’s what Production wanted? Sorry, not buying it. The solid win also earned him “half” an idol. It wasn’t as obnoxious as the idol Colton was handed in One World because he still needed to navigate a TC where he knew he’d be targeted. His choice to share with David and Joe the ADS target made it an official II going forward.

JULIE – Over forty-five minutes and outlasting the Survivor Stud and an Intercollegiate athlete. WOW!! Great Stuff. Despite her stellar performance and showcasing the “guns,” there are remaining players who will still be perceived as more viable threats. She’s what’s standing between Kelley/Lauren and an all-girl alliance. Could be an interesting story within the story.

LAUREN – A full belly and a partnership coveting TWO idols. I see her winning a couple challenges as well. Put it all together and I’d be surprised if she does not make at least F6 or F7. Whereas, I completely dismissed Kelley/LoserDog as a more formidable post-merge tandem over Gavin/Eric...I could see Lauren/Kelley as a combo that could do some future damage.

GAVIN – In an episode where the primary focus was more on the six evictees, Gavin’s confessional was showcased leading up to the revelation of Eviction Island for the players. At the halfway point, he needs to start building a winner’s resume to claim Sole Survivor.

DAVID – David was the big “winner” with Rick reentering the game. They both dodged bullets at TC, so they now officially have an idol between them. Their reunion put them back on the “Boot-Kelley” bandwagon, but thanks to LoserDog being a flipping moron, they could be facing a head-on collision against TWO idols instead of only one.

KELLEY – She got the most focus out of the non-evicted castaways. Just as I suspected, she’s leading the charge for an all-female alliance. But in addition to the David/Rick duo, Julie appears to have her on her radar as well; so, our season bellyacher still has some obstacles.

ERIC – As stated before, most of the focus was on the Evictees...even so, practically nothing doing with Eric. Yet, sometimes nothing is better than being a Loser, idiot, delusional, irrelevant, or a lying snake.

VICTORIA – At TC she used all that she has to bring to the table—LIE. This time the person she was lying to (Joe) saw right through it, but the ADS was already in motion so that exchange meant very little other than Victoria joining in with enough other scaredy-cats to gang up on a dominant player. VERY fortunate Aubry did not win her way back into the game.

AURORA – In a rather bizarre twist of irony, the boot of her closest ally may quite possibly advance her further in the game. Anti-Darwining Joe coupled with an Aurora flip could lead to a Kama demise.

JULIA – Please give her a season suspension for embellishment.

RON – The patience he exhibited in keeping Joe around should have been extended a little longer. Pulling the trigger on the ADS at the first TC after merge could give Manu/Lesu the opening they need. This guy would absolutely suck at a poker game. His facial expressions make you want to smack him the side of his head. Orchestrating the most cowardly and easiest boot of Joe HARDLY makes him a “puppet master.” This guy is shaping up to be a legend in his own mind.

LOSERDOG – A real dumdass bonehead who is STILL hanging on to Kelley/Lauren as evident from the TC vote. What a bona fide idiotic LOOOSER!!!


JOE – As soon as Victoria opened her piehole and let the cat out of the bag that the strongest player would be targeted, Joe knew he was a goner. Even despite her valiant effort to try to backpedal and do what she does best and lie to not mean physically/challenge dominant strong, he realized the writing was still on the wall. Michel can make the same valiant effort to backpedal as well, but his attempt will be just as futile. So, how would you like your crow prepared...medium, rare, or well-done? Eat up, my Survivor bashing friend!


I’m really not surprised by the pathetic casting debacle Keith and the I’m-in-it-just-for-the-experience Wendy bailing out. Reem is an annoying irritating itch that just won’t go away, but she’s been certainly on the money with her accurate assessments of the greatest divide in Reality TV and the lameness of exercising the dastardly Anti-Darwin Syndrome.

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 My Take: michel2 03-30-19 1
   RE: My Take: Aruba 03-31-19 2
       RE: My Take: michel2 04-01-19 5
           RE: My Take: Aruba 04-02-19 7
               RE: My Take: michel2 04-02-19 9
                   RE: My Take: Aruba 04-03-19 11
 Answering a few points: michel2 03-31-19 3
   RE: Answering a few points: Aruba 03-31-19 4
       RE: Answering a few points: michel2 04-01-19 6
           RE: Answering a few points: Aruba 04-02-19 8
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michel2 3295 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-30-19, 04:25 PM (EST)
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1. "My Take:"
For the first time ever an episode that isn’t a season premiere didn’t have a summary at the beginning. Instead, we started with the familiar “Come in Guys”.

It used to be heard after 10 minutes of show time but these days, Jeff wants to be on TV, needs to be the big star so he can’t stay out of the action too long!

We were already in the Challenge arena.

There were some reactions from Kama when they saw that Lesu was intact but they were happy to see that the other Kama faction had stayed intact by eliminating Wendy. War Dog was quick to realize that those reactions meant that Kama was still going strong.

It’s strange that none of the twist from the previous episode was discussed during the merger feast. It had to be but it wasn’t significant; as we will soon see the small Kama faction didn’t continue working with the original Manu members.

Gavin had the first interview of the evening: “As soon as Jeff said we are merged that was like a dream come true but I don’t know what’s going to go down so I’m a little worried. That’s what makes Survivor great; you don’t know what’s looming around the corner.”

I wouldn’t read too much into the decision to give Gavin the first confessional in the all-important merger episode. His bit was a aired mostly because he said what production wanted us to hear: “Survivor is great”.

Probst thought that this moment was going to be seen as an iconic one.

Lame gimmicks are not what I call iconic. I couldn’t identify the male voice making the title comment: “There’s always a twist.”

Rick was the winner. He gave us an interview: “Before extinction, the game was getting the best of me but if I can win my way back into the game what the hell is out here that’s going to scare me? I can win these people over, I can win challenges. I’m a whole new man thanks to the edge of extinction.”

When the merged tribe left for the Manu camp (the chicken joke has to go on, it seems) Jeff told the five losers that they could go back to the Island of Extinction. All five were enthusiastic at the perspective... for now.

Aubry’s words were used to represent what the group thought: “When you think you’ve gone low on Survivor it can go so much lower and the lower you go the higher the high.” She felt like a child on Christmas morning.

Merge Tribe Day 17

There used to be symmetry to the game: You spent 19 days in tribes then the merger occurred on Day 20 so, once the feast was digested, you had 19 days to play the individual part. So many seasons have been lame during the tribal part that it gets reduced more and more.

Julia’s confessional: “We arrive at the merge feast and I have this overwhelming feeling of excitement and joy because we’re going into this merge with all the Kama members back together so we have eight people. If we can stick together we’re going to have the majority and that’s an incredible feeling.”

Kelley : “Of all the faces that I saw during that challenge, Devins was the one person I thought: Oh! hell! No! Like, why are you back here now? I don’t want him back here.”

This doesn’t make sense at all. Rick left Lesu quite amicably compared to Reem, Keith and Chris so I’d think she’d have been more disappointed in seeing one of them. Of course, she was probably dismissing Reem and Keith and probably even Wendy since they were not contenders to win that challenge but why didn’t she fear Chris the most? She had to fear him more because he was voted out specifically for targeting her. It just fits the story better to have Kelley saying this so don’t tell me this “reality TV” is real.

Rick’s next interview: “I’m back baby! I love it! I’m back in the game but there is definitely the fear that you are going to be the easy vote out because you just came back in. Maybe they resent it, maybe it’s just easy so I need to make a human connection real early so they don’t vote me out as the easy vote back to Extinction Island before they get to know me.”

Not surprisingly, the camera showed Kelley’s face when Rick said he had fears of being voted out right away.
Julie’s interview:
“The minute I started speaking to Rick at the merge feast, I knew I really liked him and I thought he was a genuine person, just the fact that he had that big hero moment and he was able to win a spot back into this game. I’m rooting for him. I would never want to see him go back to the edge of extinction so quickly. It sounds like a scary place that I never want to go to.”

The cameras flew us back to the Island of Extinction even if I never want to go back there either but for different reasons than Julie: It doesn’t scare me, it just bores me. But I guess we had to see the two quitters. How lame?

Vata Day 17

Kelley’s interview: “I’m working with Lauren and we have two idols; that’s a lot of power. We can do a lot with that if done right. The problem is that I’m in this minority group and I’m going to need every tool that I can, given the situation that I’m in. I have to have a talk with Joe. Here I am again with Joe freaking Anglim who was in the majority alliance during Second Chance and here he is again in the majority alliance and I feel that I am at his mercy. Why? This is an absolute nightmare for me. We’ll see how well I can pitch him. This is a sale pitch for me.” Joe told Kelley that Aubry, Aurora and he were on the outs with the Kamas. Kelley went on: “I definitely feel that Joe will come with me but I am still trying to decipher, to figure out this Kama tribe so I think the best plan is to make it an easy vote, to take out Rick.”

Kelley can’t see why she’s always in the minority while Joe is in the majority but the answer is simple: Joe wins, she doesn’t. Of course, it could be that it’s the role production wants her to have because she played very well in Second chance when her back was up against the wall. I don’t recall her being so negative back then and it was about to get worse. Haven’t they learned that a minority should offer their votes to the other side, not impose their choice?

As soon as she heard Lauren and Kelley’s plan, Julie reacted: “I am shocked; Kelley and Lauren want to vote out Devins out first and send him right back to the edge of Extinction. Just from a moral standpoint, I don’t understand how you can do that to somebody, to send them right back from where they came after facing the odds. Kelley and Lauren seem like they are so brutal that maybe one of them should be sent on their merry way off to the edge of extinction.”

Vata Day 18

Rick in confessional: “When I got back to camp, I opened my bag and there was something in there, I was trying to keep a straight face...I have to find out what is sitting in my bag...” For returning onto the game, he received a conditional idol: He’d have to give half to someone and it wouldn’t be good for the next Tribal Council but the one after that.

Vata Night 18

Rick shared his idol with David, the person he trusted the most.
We can certainly question Rick’s decision: Yes, David is the player he can trust but David was already in his corner. As bargaining chip, the half idol could have gained him a new ally, like Julie who showed him she was partial to his plight.

The Immunity Challenge

It was a balancing endurance challenge and while Joe and Lauren gave a great effort it was Julie who won it, displaying her strong upper body in the process.

Kelley gave us the exit interview: “The plan to vote out Devens has been discussed with everyone and everyone appears to be on board but there are so many different ways this could go. All I know is I have a Hidden Immunity Idol. I’m very excited that I have that; it’s a little cushion because, playing Survivor before, I know how crazy the voting is after the merge so I may have to bring out the big guns.”

Vata Day 19

Julie was so excited to give an interview: “I would have been scared to death going into Tribal Council tonight but the fact that I’ll be wearing the immunity necklace there’s no blindsides on me tonight and that’s like the most comfortable feeling I can have.”

What? Why Julie would have been scared to death? It’s not as if she’s in the minority and a huge target, is she? If ever a confessional was scripted it’s this one. Julie wanted to eliminate Kelley. Is she related to David?! Julie’s confessional continued: “Kelley is a huge threat and, as a returning player, she needs to go. These are the kind of things that I knew I had to start orchestrating. I’m not simply going along with what people are telling me.”

Julie told Rick that everyone on his old tribe want to give him a return ticket to the Island of Extinction.

Rick’s interview: “I feel totally betrayed by those three Lesu members. To send me right back is a total stab in the back but i got people on my side apparently which is awesome.”

Informed of Lesu’s betrayal, David told Rick that the vote should go against Wentworth.

Chase the old habits away and they come galloping right back, I see! Notwithstanding that Lauren and Kelley did bring their names up, a Survivor player should never be so gullible. David and Rick should have talked to Lauren and Kelley to verify Julie’s words. If they are so easily manipulated then the Kama 6 won’t have much problem navigating to the end.

Rick’s interview continued: “There’s a whole lot on the line tonight. I feel like if I can get through tonight then we have that Hidden Immunity Idol and it could be whole new ball game. It might be the path forward in this game that I’ve been looking for.”

Why does U2’s song: “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for” came to mind?! Probably because we’ve heard something identical EVERY SINGLE TIME someone found a new advantage in the game. What they don’t say is that many of those “advantages” have come back to bite them in the butt.

While Joe wanted to finish painting the tribal flag, the others went hunting for Wendy’s chickens. Ron stayed in camp to talk to Joe and feel him out about his plans. Joe didn’t give Ron anything as far as which way he wanted to vote. “I don’t know” doesn’t cut it when talking to an ally.

Ron’s interview: “Joe made a mistake” I asked: Joe who do I vote for, what’s going on and he was very vague and that didn’t make me feel good. Joe is like brushing me aside and right now, I don’t know that I can trust him. What he doesn’t know is that my true alliance is Eric, Julie, Julia, Gavin and Victoria. We’re the Kama 6 so I’m thinking that Joe losing is a great opportunity because, if you’re playing Survivor and you have a chance to take out Joe, every time is the right time. I have to convince the Kama 6 that it’s Joe tonight.”

It has to be noted that Joe made a rookie mistake but we all know that Joe isn’t smart when it comes to strategy. He had to give Ron something or at least say that he was going to vote with him. Voting out Joe doesn’t accomplish anything because it’s exactly like giving him individual immunity up to the returning challenge but the Kama 6 haven’t learned how to deal with the new reality that is the Island of Extinction.

Victoria’s interview: “Ron wants to do Joe because Joe lost. Now it’s time to get rid of Joe. I’d rather go the safer option and get rid of Kelley but it’s definitely important to get the decision right tonight. It’s hard to know what’s right.”

I think it’s quite telling that the person we saw Ron approaching first and the one giving the corresponding interview was Victoria. I have no doubt that Ron talked to each member of the Kama 6 and while Victoria may have actually been the first he contacted with this new plan, it didn’t have to be shown that way. Any conversation that Ron had could have been inserted here. The way it was presented gave Victoria the role of mediator within the alliance; the one that presented the different options to the other members.

After talking to Victoria, Gavin had a confessional: “There are a lot of different options tonight, Joe being one of them. I’ve heard Rick’s name thrown out there, I’ve heard Kelley Wentworth’s name thrown out there. There are three very good options on the table and we need to figure which one is going to best suit us.”

War Dog’s name was never mentioned! The combination of Wendy telling Kama that Kelley was the alliance leader and his own poor display in challenges have effectively shielded War Dog from the chopping block. His method of playing is proving to be quite efficient.

When it looked like the Kama 6 were having a hard time coming to a consensus, the editors turned to an old trick: Using the smoke from the camp fire as a symbol for “The Fogs of War”!! The smoke was heavy this time, the chant more like a lament and the music was deeply sombre while Julie gave the interview that is transcribed below. The smoke enveloped Julia, Eric, Kelley, Joe and especially Ron while he was resting in the shelter. Notably, we had clean images of Julie, Gavin and Victoria during that time, two of the three that wanted Kelley out first. Was it to indicate that Kelley would have been the better choice but that the Fogs of War confused the Kama 6 and lead them to the wrong decision?

Julie’s interview that was heard during the “Fogs of War” scene: “There is not a general consensus as to who should be voted out because all of us could make a different case as to why Kelley or Joe should be voted out because all are good cases, it’s getting tricky, it’s getting very tricky. It’s really important to make the right decision because the very first vote after the merge can dictate the game.”

Tribal Council

First, five people had to grab their torch, never having attended TC before and then Jeff surprised the players by saying: “We will now bring in the members of the jury.”

While it figured that the players on the Island of Extinction would make the jury I wasn’t sure if they’d be allowed to attend TC. They could have received their information strictly from the person voted out but now we’ll have to see Reem’s face at the end of each episode. In his latest interview, Jeff calls her a star but that just shows how disconnected Jeff is with our section of the viewing audience.

Julie told Jeff that she was excited to meet new people. Ron reacted to that because, as he said, he loves Kama.
Kelley was thinking that new relationships had developed.
When asked if there had been any talks of sending Rick back to the purgatory, Victoria answered “Absolutely not. That would be pure evil and why would we vote out somebody that isn’t a big threat coming to the merge.”

Here I thought we were back to Redemption Island where Boston Rob said he loved playing with newbies because they talk too much. What Victoria said should have alerted Kelley and Lauren that the plan had changed. At least Joe’s radar registered a hit.

Victoria tried to cover her tracks by saying she didn’t mention physical threats.
Ron said he didn’t know if there were idols which led to War Dog’s intervention: “Every season, you feel that way until, all of a sudden, four idols pop up at the same time.”
Joe explained that he was relying on his Kama allies. Ron added that, having the majority, they didn’t need to scramble.
Kelley chuckled at that.

It was time to vote and when Jeff asked if anyone wanted to play an idol, Kelley and Lauren sat on theirs.

Kelley, Lauren and War Dog voted for David.
Rick and David voted for Kelley
Aurora and Joe voted for Rick
The Kama 6 voted against Joe.

Kelley said it was a good play, Lauren added that it was brilliant while, from the peanut gallery, Reem judged it lame.
Joe left saying they made a big mistake, leaving the door wide open which was the worst thing they could have done.

The Story

I was hoping the story was leading us to the three Manu players joining the four Lesu and taking over the game but, in a rather linear way of playing, the original Kama 6 got back together. However, despite all the talk of being strong, I don’t think they will make it to the end. First, I think they’ve already made mistakes, most notably in leaving Rick and David out of the loop. Julie even told Rick that they couldn’t give them much information so that has to tell them that they have no future working with them. Can they go back with the other three Lesu who betrayed them so completely? Well, Kelley and Lauren could say that they voted for David only because that’s what they were instructed to do and it was only a way to stay safe. Another mistake was leaving Aurora out of the loop in a time when her vote still matters: It’s still only an alliance of 6 in a tribe of twelve. Things could get tricky for the next vote and half of the Kama 6 has already shown that they don’t have the guts to go to rocks.

So, the big question is: Was it a good play for the Kama 6 or was it a big mistake? It certainly had brilliance in it because they completely divided their opponents, getting them to vote for three different players and turning on each other in the process but I see it as a mistake still. They’ve effectively given the equivalent of Individual Immunity to Joe and they’ve shown the other half of the tribe that they cannot be trusted. And that half of the tribe possess the three idols that are in play. More symbolically, the Fogs of War scene showed that these players aren’t seeing the battlefield properly. Of the players that had an opinion, Julie and Victoria were the only ones not enveloped in smoke but their voices were overruled by Ron, the player that was clearly shown being engulfed in that fog. I think the group of 6 will soon regret getting rid of someone that was in their back pocket.

The Characters

Who Dat? – These characters still have no depth

Aurora: I don’t know much about Aurora’s game play besides voting with Joe. One thing I know is that she won’t be our Sole Survivor.

Julia: By voting against Joe she clearly didn’t listen to his advice of protecting the strong challenge players which is how she views herself. As someone featured in the Fogs of War scene, I don’t have any hopes for Julia.

Eric: His main role seems to be to lead the tribe on their chicken hunt. It’s not the role a player would want but that’s mostly what he’s received. He was also caught in the cloud of smoke when Julie was talking of the importance of making the right decision.

The Failing Players – These players don’t seem to be on the right course:

Gavin: Compared to the other three, Gavin wasn’t ignored in this pivotal episode but consider his two interviews. In the first, delivered right after the merger, he complained: “but I don’t know what’s going to go down so I’m a little worried” while in his second he said: “There are three very good options on the table and we need to figure which one is going to best suit us”. To the viewers we aren’t presented to a decision maker but a mere follower.

David: For one week, David seemed to understand that his game would work better if he played with Kelley instead of against her but this week, his old habit returned in a hurry. As soon as he heard he was being targeted by his old Lesu tribe mate, he decided to vote against her in return. It would have been smarter to talk about the new developments. Then, maybe, the 6 person voting bloc wouldn’t have been able to decide the vote in a 13 person tribe.

Rick: I was surprised that he didn’t react negatively when Julie told him she couldn’t reveal much information. That and his decision not to use his idol as a bargaining chip make me think that Rick won’t succeed.

Ron: It was his decision that turned the Kama ship from its original course and it seems that decision wasn’t the right one so that should spell trouble for Ron. Add the fact that he was completely engulfed in smoke when Julie talked about being unable to make a decision and we have serious doubts about his chances of making it to the end.

Julie: This episode was certainly her coming out party. Winning the merger immunity challenge compensates fully for a very weak role in the first six episodes and maybe it is the start of her winning story but I think she was led on the wrong path by Ron. The Kama 6 showed their hands and they aren’t the majority yet. They don’t even possess a single idol to level the playing field.

Kelley: While it was Lauren that mentioned Rick’s name as a possible vote, we know that Kelley was behind what was called an evil decision.

Aubry: She may be able to win the 2nd challenge to return to the game but we know that she doesn’t have the physical capabilities to win two or three in a row. She failed during Kaoh Rong against fairly weak competition so even if she makes it back she doesn’t has what it takes to win it all. The Island of Extinction concept doesn’t fit with her type of game.

Still Hanging On – The Contenders

Lauren: Like Kelley, she was ready to go after Rick but even Jeff said that was a natural move to make with a player that had already been voted out. She hung on to her idol so the main question remains her heath. Her challenge performance was encouraging but we know that something will happen during the next challenge. Let’s hope she’ll be OK.

Victoria She should be lumped in with the other Kama 6 and her words at Tribal Council makes me wonder if she’s forgotten her vow not to say too much but there’s still something different about her presentation and those of her allies. She wasn’t driving the vote against Kelley and she wasn’t sure voting against Joe was the right move yet she was the first that talked with Ron and she also talked with Julie so maybe she’ll be able to find the right path later on.

War Dog: This was an unusually quiet episode for the star of the first 6 episodes. Maybe the intent was to show that he was able to adapt and make sure the target wasn’t on his back. He’ll need a strong episode to reverse the situation and maybe that’s simply not in the card but it would fit with the Phoenix theme that could be emerging this season.

Chris: Despite his penalty, Chris came very close to winning to return ticket so he has to be seen as another strong contender for the second invitation back.

Joe: This game is much too complex for Joe’s simple approach. Even if he was in a good position at the merger, he made a huge mistake when he talked to Ron. After talking to Kelley about working together, he was conflicted about his alliance with Kama and he couldn’t even find a way to work around his dilemma. All he had to do was tell Ron that he’d vote with him and that they had to stick together. Now that he’s on the Island of Extinction the game becomes as easy as if he’d been given the necklace for each and every Tribal Council and we know that his survival skills will put him in the good graces of the jury. Instead of providing for the tribe he’ll be providing for the jurors. That’s a much better investment. All he’ll have to do is win 2 or three challenges when the time comes.

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Aruba 3094 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-31-19, 05:20 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: My Take:"
1 - Two schools of thought came to mind when Rick discovered both halves of the idol in his bag. As you suggested, use it to try to form another partnership...or go home with the one you first met at the dance. Julie seemed to be a likely prospect to form another partnership especially when she came to Rick’s defense during her confessional. Although, Julie making no qualms with Rick over her reluctance to share everything with him made his “dance partner” David the more prudent choice.

2 - Every Reality Show player over the age of 40 has a right to feel on’s the greatest divide in Reality TV. Reem even went so far to call it “age discrimination.” For that reason alone, no way Julie should be feeling comfortable, UNLESS of course walking to TC with the protection of wearing the Immunity Necklace she won.

3 - Is Julie “related” to David because they both want Kelley gone? I’m not related to either, but I sure would welcome Kelley’s negativity and bellyaching gone from this season especially if I had to live with her 24/7.

4 - Make NOOOO mistake about it...Ron’s been chomping at the bit to get Joe out of the game right from the get go. And the reason...he’s a Survivor Stud threat who wins challenges, i.e. ADS target. PERIOD. Any other scene you may try to spin to suggest otherwise is just as comical as the dinosaurs’ inability to “adapt” to the lethal climate change and elimination of food supply caused by the impact of a massive asteroid. At least we seem to agree this past episode was probably not the right time to pull that trigger.

5 - I doubt very much your average viewer would have interpreted Gavin’s confessionals as “complaining” and/or “following.” Like every player, you’re always wondering what could be around the corner, AKA “Expect the Unexpected.” Personally, I regarded his confessionals more as assessing the situation, and taking the proper precaution to NOT react with a quick trigger finger. We’ll see in the second half of the season.

6 - Chris also had an advantage to go along with a penalty, so in the end they could have washed each other out. In any event, I agree he should be considered a strong contender for his second shot meaning Joe will still need to earn it. As for a potential F4 fire-building now EVERY player casted for this season has to know that format in the game. Flint is easy to purchase online. Anyone who is likely to appear on Survivor (or even those with aspirations to do so) should be practicing this basic survival skill LONG before they are officially selected as a castaway. The inability to start fire with flint (whether in a F4 tiebreaker or just starting a fire at camp) is completely inexcusable at this point in time.

7 - You’re right on the money with Joe (as well as any evictee) now having a golden opportunity to “provide FOR THE JURORS.” If the second win-back follows suit to the other seasons I did not watch and occurs at F5 as you mentioned, that’s potentially TEN Jurors (assuming no one else “keiths” or “wendys” their way out of the game) the winner of the F5 Evictee Challenge could “provide for” and be in good graces with assuming they are not morons and play their cards right on Eviction Island. Talk about potentially walking into FTC as a Finalist with Pocket Aces!
The more I’m analyzing this, the more I’m talking myself out of watching the entire season...

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michel2 3295 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-01-19, 11:11 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: My Take:"
#1 - Yes, I agree david was the prudent choice but I think the bold one was necessary. We'll see what comes of Rick and his idol.

#2 - Julie would NEVER be a target at the merger. Had this happened during the first few weeks then I'd understand her fear but she was doubly protected: She had the majority and she isn't a threat.

#3 - Again, no one has said a single thing about Kelley being hard to live with. Her negativity is almost all for her confessionals. In camp, she's getting along with most.

#4 - Ron had been saying for two weeks that he would prefer having Joe around so if you go by what was said in the show Joe was voted out because he made the big mistake of not answering Ron's questions properly, creating doubts in his mind. It was right there for you to hear.

#5 - I'm not your average viewer and editing is certainly done on two levels: One for the casual viewers and one for those like me who pour over details and notice the little inside jokes and hints they interspersed in each episode.

#6 - Yes, but then who is to say that one contestant gets damp wood and not the other?

#7- I felt that the Island of Extinction was a dumb idea from the start. Yet it's still better than anything on TV besides sports. I'm going in for the long run but then I've been bashing the show for a long time. Stick around and I'll try to entertain you each week!

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Aruba 3094 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-02-19, 07:32 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: My Take:"
#2 - Julie, nor anyone, should EVER feel safe...especially when you’re a middle-aged castaway. As for not being a “threat,” PRIOR to this episode ranking, I made mention that Julie handled herself quite well in challenges...BEFORE her impressive IC win. If I took accurate notice, then I’m certain the players completing side-by-side with her should have as well.

#3 - Because you continue to be fixated that players are handed a “script,” you’ll never be able to wrap your mind around the concept of You are...who You are...who You are. With all the b!tching and complaining displayed by Kelley in her confessionals this season, I’d be VERY hard-pressed to believe she robotically is able to just simply “flip the switch” living outside a comfort level for over 20 days and display this happy-go-lucky, smiley-face demeanor while at camp that's been a polar opposite to most of her confessionals. Sorry Michel; just not buying it.

#4 - Well DUH, of course Ron was not eager to ADS Joe when the game was a tribal competition. LOL. Joe was his (and Kama’s) meal ticket to the merge. But Ron (and others) sure made mention of it numerous times, and now that the merge is official, Joe was ADS’d.

#5 - HMMM, so I guess editing is done on “two levels” much like the JFK assassination 8MM movie clip we’ve seen hundreds of times on “two levels:” 1) to view footage replaying a moment in time as it actually occurred, and 2) to rile up the conspiracy theorists forever challenging the public to “disprove an unproven.”

#6 - Oh brother...and wheels on your bus keep “spinning” round and round...

#7 - You never have to “try” to entertain succeed on SOOO many “levels” Ha-Ha!

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michel2 3295 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-02-19, 10:59 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: My Take:"
#2- It wasn't that she said she was feeling insecure, she said she ould have been "scared to death". That's just not believable.

Look, it's not just me: Many people read the clues that SeeBS puts oput before an episode and the clue read: "one castaway can rest easy after winning the first individual immunity challenge of the season" Most thought that this meant either Joe or one of Lesu was going to win immunity. When we realized that nJulie was the winner, EVERYONE said that the clue was wrong.

#3: When Lesu went to their last TC they all said that they loved each other so there's the proof that Kelley isn't a problem in camp. You don,t like her but stop fabricating things that are just not shown.

#4 No, Joe was eager to get rid of Joe because he had already had his chance THEN he realized Joe was filling his belly and doing all the work. But it was always about returning players having to go.

#5 Every author writes on more than one level, most is on a level that everyone can follow but then they had subtleties that only very few will catch. I mean, that's what authors have been doing since Homer back in Ancient Greece. TV and Film editors are just like writers.

#6 How else do you exolain that Stephenie who, by her own words, had NEVER done a fire before manage to beat BJ who had done most of Ulong's fires?

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Aruba 3094 desperate attention whore postings
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04-03-19, 07:45 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: My Take:"
Seeing the “clue” you are referencing word-for-word makes total sense now. A middle-aged participant on any Reality Show is NEVER able to “rest easy” unless they have immunity. The greatest divide in Reality TV does not allow it...or as this season’s “Star” (according to Probst) would say,”age discrimination” does not allow it.

You want to talk about “fabrication?!” I’m not saying “damp wood” rigs a fire-building tiebreaker...or different hole sizes may have allowed Rick to win the evictee challenge...or any of the countless other theories you “fabricate” to suggest a “fix” or “script.” Yeah, how about we ”stop fabricating what is just not shown.”

For the umpteenth time, Ron was NOT going to orchestrate the ADS when Joe was needed for Kama to advance. Not sure why that’s so challenging for you to comprehend. Although with your inability to wrap your mind around the ADS (and your reluctance to eat crow) not sure why I’m even questioning it.

Although Ulong lost every IC, it did win RCs...thanks to Steph’s clutch MVP performances in those Ulong wins. Steph continued her clutch performance when she needed it most, while BJ choked with his Survivor life on the line. For someone NOT pathetically inept, starting fire with flint should not be a difficult proposition even without practice if you are appropriately casted for a game called “SURVIVOR.”

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michel2 3295 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-31-19, 05:25 PM (EST)
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3. "Answering a few points:"
LAST EDITED ON 03-31-19 AT 05:26 PM (EST)

I must be specist because, to me, all brown chicken look alike. How can you be sure that those are the same chicken that Wendy let loose? I'm sure that, had they been killed, production would just bring in a few more to prolong the joke. Anyway, this is such a trivial matter that I'll eat a serving but since in this case it will be chicken and not crow, I'll take it roasted.

If production wanted to rig it for Rick it would have been so simple to do. Just make his hole a bit larger than the others and sand off the top of the structure for his competitors so that it's slightly curved outward, making a ball fall off so much easier. They wouldn't know and neither would we.

You are right in saying that gavin has nothing in his résumé that would merit a win so why have him 4th?

As for the second serving of crow, I'll be serving it to you. I know you are deeply attached to the ADS even if it's a fallacy but didn't you watch the whole episode? Joe wasn't the target, everyone in Kama gunning for Kelley. It's when Joe made a mistake (the word used by Ron right there in the show) and showed he couldn't be trusted that Ron turned the tables on him. Joe was voted out, not because they were scared of him but because he didn't prove his loyalty to his alliance. If the merger had happened at F8 like it did once way back when then someone could go on an immunity streak but now with the merger at 13 no one should be afraid of having one player win them all. It's simply impossible so it's never ADS, just smart game play to eliminate those that aren't in your alliance.

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Aruba 3094 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-31-19, 05:45 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Answering a few points:"
The chickens are indeed trivial so no crow will be served on this point. Your helping is waiting below.

The length you go to conjure up your theories is beyond hysterical.

The reason Gavin is 4th is because this is going down as one of the worst seasons ever mostly due to the cast. Gavin at four supports that.

Joe was voted out because he is feared as a dominant challenge performer and as an ongoing threat; not because of any negative you attempt in vain to spin. Players have been saying all season they were waiting to take out the big threat Joe...just as the scaredy-cats were saying in Worlds Apart. Different cast...same approach. So, don’t be a fussy eater and eat your crow like good boy. Open Wide...send the happy train people back home to their happy train families...CHOO-CHOOOO!!!

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michel2 3295 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-01-19, 11:15 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Answering a few points:"
No, this serving is definitely for you. You are right in saying that the players have been waiting all season to take out Joe but you are wrong when you say it's because he's a huge challenge threat. What they have said clearly and repeatedly is that they want ALL the returning player sout because, and I quote them directly here: "They've had their chance now it's our turn." That's the Theme of the season.

The train is going into reverse!!

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Aruba 3094 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-02-19, 07:40 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Answering a few points:"
The one castaway MOST outspoken about returnees out of the game who stated how they already had their chance was Wendy...and she’s officially history this season. I HAVE been listening and observing other players pertaining to returnees, and here are several observations:
LAUREN – She couldn’t contain her excitement over being in a season with RETURNEE Kelley and appears willing to ride with her the rest of the way.
LOSERDOG – I’m still thinking he secretly has the hotts for the bellyacher, but he’s eager to work with RETURNEE Kelley...even though she is less than willing.
RICK – Gravitated toward RETURNEE David right from the beginning and now they share an idol between them.
AURORA – Even this lesbian lawyer wanted to be joined at the hip with RETURNEE Joe.

Joe was booted not because he didn’t “adapt;” not because he wasn’t going to be wittle Wonnie’s BFF; and not because he was a returnee (BTW returnees David and Kelley both made the merge as well.) Make no mistake, Joe was booted as an ADS victim. You’re just continuing to use your spinology to avoid eating crow...and I even roasted it...the same way you like your chicken!

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michel2 3295 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-02-19, 11:06 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Answering a few points:"
What a joke! Joe was booted by the Kama 6 and you don't list any from Kama except their lone fan Aurora! Please be serious in your arguments.

The Kama 6 have been targeting the returnees from the get go. They got Aubry the first chance they had and Joe the very next time. Kelley is next on their agenda. So, with that: Bon appétit!

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Aruba 3094 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-03-19, 07:50 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Answering a few points:"
My reply and numerous examples were to YOUR claim that the “Theme of the Season” is to target/eliminate the returnees. I rattled off FOUR indisputable examples as clear contradictions to your claim that the theme is to eliminate the returnees and your feeble attempt to muddle the water in hopes of not having to eat your crow. Joe was getting Anti-Darwined even if he was not a returnee because the chicksh!ts were scared of his dominance.

Wendy was the only non-Kama option when Aubry was blindsided, As Gavin so accurately stated, “You never know what’s coming around the corner,” so it made perfect sense to keep Wendy around at that time as a continual target. A decision that was not only smart but prophetic since booting Wendy was able to avoid drawing rocks at the very next TC.

So, eat up fussy boy. I want to see a clean plate when I catch up with you the next time on the Ep. 8 thread.

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